47. Jahrestagung „Psychologie und Gehirn“


Springe zu:             DONNERSTAG | FREITAG | SAMSTAG





DONNERSTAG | 16.06.2022

8:30 – 10:00



Metacognitive functions: Error monitoring and decision confidence

CHAIR:  Prof. Dr. Jutta Stahl


Tomorrow’s troubles, today’s tools: Psycho-physiological predictors of stress responses in prospective longitudinal Studies

CHAIRS: Dr. Lara Puhlmann,| Prof. Dr. Jens Prüssner


What virtual reality can tell us about behavior and physiology in face-to-face social interactions

CHAIR: Dr. Lea Hildebrandt, Dr. Jonas Großekathöfer


Individual differences in emotion regulation (choice): From neurobiological mechanisms to implications for well-being and clinical application

CHAIR: Dr. Anne Gärtner


IGOR symposium: Advances in open and reproducible practices for biological psychology and human neuroscience

CHAIRS: Dr. Gordon Feld | Dr. Tina Lonsdorf

10:00 – 10:30

KG I, Eingangshalle und Prometheushalle


10:30 – 10:45

KG I, Aula

Begrüßung und Tagungseröffnung

10:45 – 11:45

KG I, Aula

Keynote: Gehirn und Umwelt, Risiken und Resilienz | Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit Mannheim, Universität Heidelberg

11:45 – 13:00


12:00 – 13:00


13:00 –     14:30



Electrophysiological correlates of cognitive control

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Thomas König | Prof. Dr. Kyle Nash


Updates on complementary memory systems in the brain

CHAIRS: Dr. Roland Benoit | Dr. Heidrun Schultz


Behavioral and psychological effects of sex hormones

CHAIRS: Dr. Bernadette von Dawans | Dr. Frances Chen


(Neuro)biologically informed psychotherapy: Approaches and developments

CHAIRS: Dr. Christian Paret | Prof. Dr. Peter Kirsch



CHAIRS: Vertretungen Jungwissenschaftlerinnen und Jungwissenschaftler

14:30 – 16:00

KG I, Eingangshalle und Prometheushalle


14:30 – 16:00

UB Freiburg

Postersession I ↗ 

16:00 – 17:30



P300 and much more: A tribute to Rolf Verleger

CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Edmund Wascher


Recent advances in non-invasive brain stimulation

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Til Ole Bergmann | Dr. Gesa Hartwigsen


Attentional dynamics in face perception and social interaction

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Gregor Domes  | Prof. Dr. Matthias Gamer


Einfluss traumatischer Kindheitserfahrungen auf soziale und emotionale Prozesse – eine transdiagnostische Perspektive

CHAIRS: Dr. Katja Seitz, Prof. Dr. Christian Schmahl 


Biological targets of early childhood adversity – genetic, epigenetic and imaging findings

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Robert Kumsta |Dr. Miriam Schiele 

17:45 – 19:00

KG I, HS 1010

Mitgliederversammlung DGPA

19:00 – 20:15

KG I, HS 1010

Mitgliederversammlung DGPs


FREITAG | 17.06.2022

8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 10:00



Psychological and neural underpinnings of curiosity

CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Nico Bunzeck


Acquiring and extinguishing fears: The modulating role of cognitive, biological, environmental and developmental factors

CHAIR: Dr. Valerie Jentsch


Moderators of social connectedness: neurobiological mechanisms and clinical implications

CHAIRS: Dr. Dirk Scheele | Prof. Dr. Alexander Lischke


Brain and behavioral plasticity in the context of early adversity – across the lifespan and generations

CHAIRS:  Dr. Katharina Pittner | Dr. Nora Moog

10:00 – 10:30

KG I, Eingangshalle und Prometheushalle


10:30 – 12:00



How real is virtual reality? Evidence from explicit, implicit and physiological measures

CHAIR: Dr. Marius Rubo


Deciphering the memory function of the sleeping brain

CHAIRS: Dr. Marit Petzka | Dr. Thomas Schreiner


How oxytocin and sex hormones affect social cognition

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Katja Bertsch | Prof. Dr. Gregor Domes  


The neurobiological foundations of psychotherapy for anxiety disorders

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Martin Herrmann | Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lueken

12:00 – 13:00


12:00 – 13:00


13:00 – 14:00

KG I, Aula


14:00 – 15:30

KG I, Eingangshalle und Prometheushalle


14:00 – 15:30

UB Freiburg

Postersession II ↗

15:30 – 16:30

KG I, Aula

Keynote: Gut Feelings: Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Brain and Behaviour Across the Lifespan | Prof. Dr. John F. Cryan

University College Cork

16:30 – 18:00



Personality neuroscience: A walk through the garden of forking paths

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Schubert | Dr. Kirsten Hilger


Social learning: Learning from and about others

CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Grit Hein


The social side of stress

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. Katja Wingenfeld |Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Wolf


The gut microbiome and mental health

CHAIR: Dr. Else Schneider





SAMSTAG | 18.06.2022

9:00 – 10:30



Prediction in language: from sensation to semantics

CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Milena Rabovsky


A neuroscience perspective on prospective memory across the lifespan

CHAIRS: Dr. Jessica Peter | Dr. Sebastian Horn


The effects of social touch on emotion, cognition and health

CHAIRS: Dr. Monika Eckstein | Dr. Rebecca Böhme


Risk and resilience factors for the development of neurodevelopmental disorders

CHAIRS: Dr. Valerie Brandt | Dr. Dennis Golm


Cardiac and brain parameters of self and other emotion processing and regulation

CHAIRS: Dr. Laura Kaltwasser | Dr. Simon Gundelman

10:30 – 10:45

KG I, Eingangshalle und Prometheushalle



KG I, Aula

Keynote: Wie frühkindliche Erfahrungen das menschliche Gehirn formen | Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder

Universität Hamburg

11:45 – 13:15



Neurophysiological correlates of inter-individual differences: The role of situational variables

CHAIR: Dr. Katharina Paul


The (un)familiar face: From neurobiology to psychophysiological mechanisms and clinical implications

CHAIRS: Dr. Mareike Bayer | Dr. Florian Bublatzky


Digital methods for induction, measurement and reduction of acute psychosocial stress

CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Hanna Drimalla


Interozeptive Verarbeitung bei Psychopathologie: Pharmakologische und neurophysiologische Konzeptualisierungen und Interventionen

CHAIRS: Prof. Dr. André Schulz | Prof. Dr. Katja Bertsch


Prediction perspectives on perception

CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Nicole Wetzel


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